Piet Hein Eek
A long-time leader in the Dutch Design world, Piet Hein Eek’s workplace was a truly special place to see this year. Featured in his own 11.000 m2 converted factory in Eindhoven, the new collection delivered Mechanical Ceramics. We found the unpolished character and industrial feel of the work thought provoking. We love the fact that such unique design is created from used materials, it’s poetic to see sustainability and vision embraced in the same design so seamlessly.

Baars & Bloemhoff Broeinest
Baars & Bloemhoff is a Dutch company world renowned for specializing in decorative materials and decor. Being the experts that they are, they organised a competition during the Dutch Design Week for the best interior designs called the Maatwerk Award. The award in the Retail category was won by our partner Smeulders, with who we created the interior of Shoebaloo PC.
As we know what they can do, we were expecting great things from this team who are at the top of their game but even we weren’t ready for what we found. On top of some stunning, retro inspired pieces, they have a full, awe-inspiring show which has a unique and diverse feel. Their show, Time is Now, was split into four thematic worlds. Each unique and stunning, but our favourites were Tech & Texture and Trash & Treasure. Whilst each was distinct, the effect of all found in unison only enhanced the power in this gorgeous vision.

The magic of Tech & Texture lay with the stunning objects which used magnetic forces to create a dark wonderland of objects.

Trash & Treasure shows some beautiful ways in which new materials, such as texture board, can be used in innovative ways to inspire and amaze.
Precious Plastic Projects
This one is very close to our heart as it speaks to two important topics; sustainability and innovation. Run by Dave Hakkens at the VDMA complex, this installation is all about re-using, rather than dumping plastic.

We all know that sustainability should be adopted in any exciting, future-proof designs. But this is going one step further by looking at ways in which materials from the past can be transformed into more conscious designs for the future. We can’t help but see the poetry and benefits of that.
Some of the recycling work they have achieved has really impressed us with the level of ingenuity and design that has been brought to it. Some of the styles and colours really inspired us, we’ll be keeping an eye on this project for the future, who knows where it will lead?
Graduation Hall
For the first time in nearly twenty years, the Graduation Show 2018 for the Design Academy Eindhoven will take place outside of their walls. This year the 208 projects by 185 graduates will be available for your enjoyment at the Campina Milk Factory.
This was very much the part of Dutch Design Week 2018 which Harry van den Berg found the most exciting. So much so that we ended up getting chased out as they were closing. There were many fantastic pieces but the use of glass, mirror projects, breath-carpet and the dignity of plants really stayed with us after viewing.

The diverse, individual visions on display here were beautifully executed and a great sign of the unique design future to come. One which promotes flexible and unique answers to the design questions of the future. The show gave us some powerful insight into the direction that the younger generation will be taking. We’ll be following these exciting designers as they head out into their careers with great interest.
Those were our real stand-out moments in this year’s Dutch Design Week 2018, but there was so much more beyond that. As a showcase for the best in current and future design, you won’t find a more inspiring or thought provoking one. If you didn’t make it this year, then we recommend you keep an eye out for next year’s event. So, then you can head down there and find the designs which speak to you and let us know your top picks of 2019!