Rotterdam Centraal Winner Staal Award
press-release -

At the Nationale Staalbouwdag 2014 (Steal Expo) Rotterdam Centraal was chosen as winner in the category commercial construction. The prize was awarded to the whole project team of Rotterdam Centraal: the clients (ProRail and Gemeente Rotterdam), architects (Team CS), structural engineers (Ingenieursbureau Rotteram and ARCADIS) and builders (Iemants and TBI Rotterdam CS).
From the jury report we can quote: “The result of this comprehensive renewal of the station must be praised in many ways. The jury acknowledges the award for the clear-cut use of the material steal. Especially the roof over the track, with its purely industrial look, is of exceptional quality and offer a nice spatial atmosphere. Steal has also been utilized to solve logistic difficulties during construction. The project’s complex composition was only possible in steal. This has been executed virtuously from an integral concept for a large scale restructuring of international standing on a limited footprint. The work of the constructor, and the coordination between underground and above ground, deserve all the credits.